Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Thanksiving and Christmas

How appropriate the Christmas season falls right on the heels of Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is a time we express our thankfulness for the abundant love of God through His creation and the offering of His Son, Jesus Christ. As we celebrate this Truth in worship this coming Sunday, it is our hope one would be moved to a necessary attitude of gratitude. May your heart be filled this Sunday as we celebrate all that has been freely given to us and know that it is enough...more than enough. So much more than enough, that we must give it away...which moves us into the season of giving, called Christmas.
Have a blessed Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Coming Nov.15!

Let's welcome another former pastor of Rockport, Rev. Don Shank! We will be singing hymns as we gather together, offer our praise and thanksgiving to God through our offering, be blessed with the children in our midst, offer prayers of the people, and be touched by the choir as they sing to God using their gifts of voice. The message will be based on various scriptures from the New Testament delivered by Rev. Don Shank. Sermon title: "Stewardship Surprises from Jesus to Paul"

I can't wait until Sunday! I love surprises! I anticipate the presence of God will be thick as we worship and praise God together! God is good...

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Nov. 1st

Hymn sings to start, Holy communion, remembering the saints that have gone before, honoring the saints in our midst and contemplating stewardship of resources to protect the vanishing species of saints in the world today in order to continue to fulfill God's purpose. What purpose? To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world! Open for discussion...

Next week, former pastor, Rev. William McFadden will be our guest preacher...
Let's all give him a warm welcome!