Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Epiphany Sunday

Sunday, January 3, we will be celebrating Epiphany. Epiphany is the day we remember the Wise Mens' arrival to see Jesus after his birth. They were given a bright shining star to follow. Today, we celebrate the gift of Jesus as our light to illuminate our paths. Let us follow Him.

Join us as we feast together at His communion table and rejoice in God's awesome love for us.

Communion is open to all

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Christmas Eve Services

Join us Thursday, December 24th to celebrate the birth of Christ!

Our first service will be held at 7pm. Come enjoy a special program presented by the children of Rockport. This worship service is family oriented and will be enjoyed by all!

We will also offer a more traditional service at 10pm which will include special music by some of our gifted members.

Both services will end with the lighting of candles as we close. This we do to celebrate the True Light that came into the world over 2000 years ago. It is symbolic of how the light of Christ born within us pierces through the darkness of this world still today.

"The Light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not overcome it." John 1:5

Praise be to God!

Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Meaning of Advent

Advent, the season of waiting and preparing for Christ's coming, begins four Sundays before Christmas. In our community this has become a period of in-creasing good cheer, when we decorate our streets and houses, entertain one another, bake special cakes, and exchange special greetings. The pace quickens day by day, as we approach Christmas day, the fulfillment of our preparations and festivity.

Christians, wanting to prepare themselves in other ways, too, for the observance of Christmas, have reached back into the past to find the meaning of this season of Advent. Advent means coming. It is a time not only for remembering the coming of Christ in Bethlehem, but also for seeking to recognize Christ when he comes to us now. For Jesus lives in our own times and in our own lives. Yet, too often he is a stranger to us, and we fail to recognize him; we are not prepared.

How do you prepare to know Christ well enough to recognize Him in your midst?

Peace to you this season,