Monday, April 5, 2010

Creation Speaks

When I went to pick up the flower order to adorn the altar for Easter morning service, I was quite concerned. Most of the flowers were closed up tight. Everything was green. I had to trust they were the colors ordered. It was difficult to arrange them not knowing exactly how they would really look. We did the best we could. When I returned for the 7am Easter service, they were open a bit more, but not much. I returned to prepare for 10:45 service, and they were opened even more. As service time approaced, I was amazed to see most of them were open. By the time service was over, they were fully open praising God right along with us all!

God's creation shows us how to worship. Have you ever noticed the way tulips and daffodils turn and face the sun? They are closed up tight through the night, and open up wide to express praise to their Creator as the new day dawns. Then they are always bending toward the sun as the day goes on. They follow the light and soak it in. Rain is welcomed for they know it is what they need to grow. They are not afraid to show their beauty. They know Who their Creator is. He never makes mistakes.

I am amazed how nature speaks so loud the love God has for us. We heard on Palm Sunday how even the rocks would cry out if people were silenced. I believe when we take time to silence ourselves, we can hear all of creation praising and worshiping God!

As I worked in the yard this beautiful spring day, I couldn't help noticing all the new life bursting forth from the soil. I pondered how just 30 days or so ago, there was snow covering everything in sight. Yet, under the blanket of snow, deep in the earth, transformation was taking place. New life was emerging...preparing to burst forth and give praise!

It is my prayer that worship is a part of your everyday life. Notice creation and do likewise.

Be blessed.