Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Our newest worship service has been up and running since the end of May, and it has been received very well! It is named EMS. This is an acronym for Early Morning Service. Obviously, it is more well known for emergency medical service. It is with this in mind, our hope is all will find God's healing presence in these 30 minutes of guided reflection and contemplation. After all, the church is for the sick, the lost and the hurting. The service is carefully crafted by our Senior Pastor, Associate Pastor, and lay speakers as well. Each service may have a different style depending on who is leading and preparing it. All that is needed from any participant, as with any worship, is an offering of one's self to be present in the presence of God. This service was birthed through much prayer and discernment as we considered those in the community who may be looking for a place of Sunday worship at an earlier time.

We offer this service at 8:30am every Sunday morning. Communion is available each week to all who wish to receive. It is held in our indoor prayer chapel. Come, check it out and most importantly, invite someone to join you!

Sunday, July 11, 2010