Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Extravagant Generosity

October is stewardship month. This year the theme is Extravagant Generosity.

We have heard how our financial giving impacts not just our church, but the church as a whole. Jessica, our conference treasurer explained the connectional ministry and how we participate in ministries that allows the light of Christ to shine all over the world! Scott, a lay member shared with us how God worked in his life to bring him to an attitude of celebration in his tithing! Rev. Myers has given a top 13 list of why we need to tithe, and challenged us to test God in these areas throughout next year.

Another guest will be speaking Oct 17. We will close this month with a celebration brunch. But before the free brunch on Oct. 31, you won't want to miss worship where we will celebrate and remember the saints in a special way this year!
