Friday, December 3, 2010

Thin Places

The Celts spoke of "thin places" - places where the distance between heaven and earth seemed to be shorter. Those became holy places. What if we sat down together across the church and prayed:

O God, merciful forever,
how great your holiness, love and power.
Help us to know how to worship you in Spirit and Truth.
Help us to stop thinking of worship as something that we manufacture;
something that we "do to" or "do for" others.
Help us to sit in you Presence,
to use all of the means of grace,
and then, like the scribes (Matthew 13:51-53) trained for the Kingdom,
bring out from your treasure house what is new and what is old;
what is contemporary and what is old as dirt
that we may delight at last in you and you only,
and so, be transformed from one stage of glory to another,
and all creation resound with you praise.