Friday, December 3, 2010

Thin Places

The Celts spoke of "thin places" - places where the distance between heaven and earth seemed to be shorter. Those became holy places. What if we sat down together across the church and prayed:

O God, merciful forever,
how great your holiness, love and power.
Help us to know how to worship you in Spirit and Truth.
Help us to stop thinking of worship as something that we manufacture;
something that we "do to" or "do for" others.
Help us to sit in you Presence,
to use all of the means of grace,
and then, like the scribes (Matthew 13:51-53) trained for the Kingdom,
bring out from your treasure house what is new and what is old;
what is contemporary and what is old as dirt
that we may delight at last in you and you only,
and so, be transformed from one stage of glory to another,
and all creation resound with you praise.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Extravagant Generosity

October is stewardship month. This year the theme is Extravagant Generosity.

We have heard how our financial giving impacts not just our church, but the church as a whole. Jessica, our conference treasurer explained the connectional ministry and how we participate in ministries that allows the light of Christ to shine all over the world! Scott, a lay member shared with us how God worked in his life to bring him to an attitude of celebration in his tithing! Rev. Myers has given a top 13 list of why we need to tithe, and challenged us to test God in these areas throughout next year.

Another guest will be speaking Oct 17. We will close this month with a celebration brunch. But before the free brunch on Oct. 31, you won't want to miss worship where we will celebrate and remember the saints in a special way this year!


Thursday, September 16, 2010

Totally radical!

This month we are on a series entitled Radical Hospitality from the book entitled, The 5 Practices of Fruitful Congregations by Robert Schnase.

This past Sunday we took a look at Luke 10:1-11, 17-20. Seventy followers were sent out on a mission with nothing to take with them. They were instructed only to offer peace as they entered a house. If the household accepts and shares in that peace, remain there. Eat and drink what is offered while curing the sick and sharing with them the Kingdom of God. If they do not welcome you, basically, walk away, still sharing that the Kingdom has come near.

Motel 6 is a very welcoming place. They offer basic conveniences at an affordable price. They will provide for you what you may need during your stay. They even advertise to keep the light on for you! They truly welcome your stay. They are radical in their hospitality. This hospitality can be abused at times. A guest may feel they need an extra towel or two at home. Or perhaps since there is coffee available, one may want to fill their thermos before hitting the road.

As we seek ways to be radically hospitable to anyone we meet, we must not be surprised by rejection and abuse. After all, wasn't Jesus rejected and abused? He laid down his life for all of us who were still yet sinners. That is radical hospitality if you ask me! It is this grace and forgiveness that Jesus offers that we need to share.

As Rev. Gordon Myers put it, hospitality is a virtue. "Radical hospitality is part of our life, not and extension of our life." It is a Christian virtue, "to give of ourselves and to love our neighbor". Yes, we may be rejected or even abused, but we must not make that an issue. We pray for and let God work in those situations. Love for neighbor is still very much in order!

May you be a radical blessing to someone this week.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

God has desires too

This past Sunday we looked at God's plans, desires, and purposes in our lives. What does each of those mean to us? This lesson was based on the prophet Jeremiah's experience as he watched the potter working at his wheel. (Jer. 18:1-11). The potter planned to make a pot, however, as he was working, it spoiled in his hand and he reworked it into another vessel. The word was given to Jeramiah, "Just like the clay in the potter's hand, so are you in my hand, O house of Israel..."

I found in this lesson, God can change his plans. He is the Almighty and can do as he sees fit, however, in conjunction with that, I believe he looks upon us with love and compassion. It is with this love and compassion that he has for His creation, His deepest desire is to have a relationship with us. This is why He sent His Son for us.

I confess, when I have a plan, I move forward and find my only desire it to accomplish the plan. I am grateful God is not so focused on His plan that He forgets the main purpose...a desired relationship. When I find I am willing to have the same desire as He does, it is then I feel His hands forming and shaping me to be more like Him.

God's purposes are being carried out through those willing to be formed, shaped and molded into His likeness. This process can be painful as the old is removed and new things are put in place, but the freedom in being transformed is indescribable!

For me I find it refreshing not to worry so much about "God's plan for my life" anymore. I find peace and freedom knowing God has the "constant ability to take my messes and breathe in His purpose" which satisfies His desire for a closer relationship.

Where are you? Does your plan, purpose or desire line up with God's?


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

What do you worship?

I recently read a blog post created by one of Rockport's own young adults...regarding worship.

This is what I choose to share this day:

Monday, August 23, 2010


On Sunday, August 22 we heard a message about obstacles in our lives. An obstacle is something put in one's way to inhibit an outcome. An obstacle is sin when it replaces God. We cannot overcome these obstacles! If that were so, that would mean we can overcome sin. If we put God first, obstacles will be removed. If we keep our eyes fixed on Jesus and stay the course, obstacles will not become an issue.

Enjoy this 1min video which may be a good parable to to this lesson and may you be blessed this week!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Moving Forward

The past few Sunday sermons have been challenging. On August 8 we looked at hope. As dreams are pursued, unexpected things happen and hope can feel lost. Dreams can seem as if they are fading away. We were encouraged to look to signs of God's movement in the community through Rockport's faithfulness in serving Christ. When we did, we saw how free ice cream brought people together. Nursing home residents are being ministered to. Stephen's Ministers offering communion. Ramps are being built to provide a way for others to attend their home church or to finally exit their home. New style of worship is meeting the spiritual needs of those in the community. A variety of trails are offered as well which are bringing people together in new ways.
It is all so exciting when we look at these things!

Aug. 15 we heard the popular hymn "Amazing Grace" in several different styles and tempo of music. We even heard it to a totally different tune! Some styles may have really spoke to you. Others, may have totally made you squirm in your seat so much you heard nothing but noise. The amazing grace here is God created each one of us and loves us all the same no matter what style speaks to us. If we are to be imitators of Christ and offer grace as He does, then we must acknowledge the different ways in which others receive the Gospel. It is our mission to make and mature disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. To do this is to recognize the language in which the lost need to hear the Gospel. The Gospel does not change, how we speak and present it must if we are to fulfill the mission we have been given.