Saturday, August 21, 2010

Moving Forward

The past few Sunday sermons have been challenging. On August 8 we looked at hope. As dreams are pursued, unexpected things happen and hope can feel lost. Dreams can seem as if they are fading away. We were encouraged to look to signs of God's movement in the community through Rockport's faithfulness in serving Christ. When we did, we saw how free ice cream brought people together. Nursing home residents are being ministered to. Stephen's Ministers offering communion. Ramps are being built to provide a way for others to attend their home church or to finally exit their home. New style of worship is meeting the spiritual needs of those in the community. A variety of trails are offered as well which are bringing people together in new ways.
It is all so exciting when we look at these things!

Aug. 15 we heard the popular hymn "Amazing Grace" in several different styles and tempo of music. We even heard it to a totally different tune! Some styles may have really spoke to you. Others, may have totally made you squirm in your seat so much you heard nothing but noise. The amazing grace here is God created each one of us and loves us all the same no matter what style speaks to us. If we are to be imitators of Christ and offer grace as He does, then we must acknowledge the different ways in which others receive the Gospel. It is our mission to make and mature disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. To do this is to recognize the language in which the lost need to hear the Gospel. The Gospel does not change, how we speak and present it must if we are to fulfill the mission we have been given.

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