Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Who are you?

Excellent message in worship this past Sunday given by Pastor Myers. Based on the text Luke 4:14-21, Jesus returned to his hometown, read from the prophet Isaiah and stated the prophecy is fulfilled in their hearing of the words. He has come to preach the good news to the poor. He is sent to pardon the prisoners and restore sight to the blind and set the burdened and battered free and announce, 'This is God's year to act!' (The Message)

Now is the time to be the church. TODAY is when we need to be doing the work Jesus did, and calls us to do. Be the messengers TODAY!

Of course, there are obstacles along our way...

We will hear the crowds reaction to Jesus' statement coming up this Sunday, January 31, in Luke 4:21-30. This encounter with citizens of his hometown remind us of the price we sometimes have to pay for living a life of faithfulness to God. They knew Jesus as Joseph's son. A son of a carpenter. A youngster who played with our kids. This is who He was in the eyes of the hearers. The idea of him being the fulfillment of Isaiah's prophecy was ludicrous! Does he live up to their expectations of who they say he is or risk disappointing them to the point of anger in order to be faithful to who God says he is?

Who are you?

Stay tuned...

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Gifts of the Spirit

Last week we took a look at Jesus' baptism and the encouraging words that were given Jesus by His Father. We were encouraged to remember our own baptism, our own identity with Christ as son's and daughters of God. We heard the words, "Come touch the water. Go touch the world" as we left the sanctuary.

It is the Holy Spirit that lives within each one of us (through our baptism) guiding us each in a different way to "touch" the world. We are each created uniquely by God to first love Him. Out of that love, He graces us with spiritual gifts that when used according to His purpose can transform the world.

This Sunday's scripture comes from I Corinthians 12:1-11. This text explains how through the Holy Spirit we are each given spiritual gifts. Though we may have different gifts, they all come from the same Holy Spirit.

Come and hear the Good News and be blessed by God's word. Scott Welsh, Local Lay Speaker, will be delivering the message.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Words of Baptism

Sunday, Jan. 10th, we will be taking a look at Luke 3:15-17, 21-22. This scripture documents Jesus' baptism. It was written by Luke, a companion of Paul the apostle. Luke describes the Holy Spirit descending in bodily form as a dove, and voice from heaven is heard. It is this voice of encouragement that still speaks to us today, that we can share with each other.

Come join us this Sunday as we remember our baptism, claim our identity as children of God, and be empowered with the Holy Spirit to be sent out to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world!

Can't wait to see you there!
