Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Gifts of the Spirit

Last week we took a look at Jesus' baptism and the encouraging words that were given Jesus by His Father. We were encouraged to remember our own baptism, our own identity with Christ as son's and daughters of God. We heard the words, "Come touch the water. Go touch the world" as we left the sanctuary.

It is the Holy Spirit that lives within each one of us (through our baptism) guiding us each in a different way to "touch" the world. We are each created uniquely by God to first love Him. Out of that love, He graces us with spiritual gifts that when used according to His purpose can transform the world.

This Sunday's scripture comes from I Corinthians 12:1-11. This text explains how through the Holy Spirit we are each given spiritual gifts. Though we may have different gifts, they all come from the same Holy Spirit.

Come and hear the Good News and be blessed by God's word. Scott Welsh, Local Lay Speaker, will be delivering the message.

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