Monday, February 1, 2010

Goin' Deeper

Wow! Are you enjoying the ride? I must say, the content of the messages (according to lectionary) have been linked together so wonderfully. Lets recap a bit:

Recently we have heard how baptism forms our identity in Christ. Then, as we receive the Holy Spirit, we also receive spiritual gifts in which we are to use wisely with passion. Following that, we hear how Jesus spoke of prophecy being fulfilled TODAY and how we are to be making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world TODAY! This past Sunday we recounted the story of expectation those in Jesus' hometown had of him. Then we were challenged to be who God would have us be, and how that may not fall into expectations others have of us.

Coming up, Feb. 7th, Tina Berardi, Certified Lay Speaker will give a message on Luke 5:1-11. It is in this scripture after an amazing catch of fish in the deep waters, Jesus calls Peter to follow him and be fishers of men! There is a process that Jesus takes Peter through in this text that helps him embark on a journey in finding who God would have him be, a fisher of men. We are "Goin' Deeper!"

Join us as we rejoice in God's unconditional love and sacrifice of His Son through Holy Communion.

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