Monday, March 29, 2010

Holy Week

We recently heard of the Palm Sunday parade welcoming Jesus as he rode in to Jerusalem on the young donkey. We heard many voices in this parade. Even if voices were silenced, the stones would cry out! We are to be a voice in unexpected places...those silent places. We are challenged to consider if we are a stone being asked to speak?

God's purpose will be fulfilled...nothing will stop it! God will be heard loud and clear! We have reached the darkest part of this road with Jesus. Do we abandon Him out of fear? Do we betray Him out of greed? Do we fall asleep when He asks us to stay awake and pray? Do we wash our hands of responsibility in order to keep things peaceful?

Consider walking with Jesus and each other in this dark hour...
Holy Week services begin after a 6:00pm meager meal of soup and bread, Thursday, April 1 (service at 7pm)
Good Friday, April 2 at 7pm we will gather for a brief service reflecting on the emotions of those who witnessed Christ's crucifixion.

Sunrise Easter Sunday service at 7am will be held in our outdoor chapel and lead by the youth in the community.
Easter Celebration service begins at 10:45am in the sanctuary.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Its Getting Darker

The clocks have been moved ahead which now makes getting up in the morning a bit more difficult...the sun no longer shines in my bedroom window when I need it too. The darkness of the hour I need to rise is all consuming.

As we are on this journey called Lent, I was thinking last week, how it is about half-way over. We are on the upswing to the end of this difficult road...Easter is getting closer! I was looking at this Lenten journey with post resurrection eyes filled with hope that Easter is coming. Then I recalled how the darkest hour has not even come yet. I pondered the walk the disciples had taken with Jesus in his suffering. I ponder Mary, the mother of Jesus as she witnessed so much betrayal and the cruel death of her son.

No, my friends, just because Lent is half over, does not mean the road gets easier and brighter as we approach Easter. On the contrary, the road is getting darker and more difficult as we approach Good Friday, the darkest hour of all...