Thursday, May 20, 2010

Anticipate or Participate?

I recently participated as a team member on a Walk To Emmaus weekend and wish to share some insight that was revealed to me through this experience. A saying one often hears before attending this 72 hour retreat is "Don't anticipate, just participate!" This truly is good advice for this experience, yet as the weekend went on, I found myself anticipating what God would reveal to me over the course of the weekend. I became anxious and impatient to hear an answer of clarification in a certain aspect of my life. It was soon revealed to me that I had become so focused on what my future held that I was not fully participating where I have been placed. I must give of my whole self to participate fully where I am.

"Don't anticipate, just participate" is not just a saying in the Emmaus Community. This is a day to day reminder to me that God is in charge every moment of my life, so why not participate in it with Him??!

I share this with you in light of worship. Let us come together in worship without expectations or anticipations. Let us participate in worship in the giving of ourselves with open hearts and minds. Yes! As we participate in such a way, God's blessings do flow! Praise be to God!

On May 30th, we begin a new opportunity for worship at 8:30 am! If 10:00am is difficult for you, a friend or neighbor to attend, please start your Sabbath day off at 8:30! Share the news!!


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Alternate Worship Service!

It is a fact there are many lost souls in and around our community and in the world. As we are called to make and mature disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world, we must find new and innovative ways to reach and meet their needs. At Rockport we are committed to this call and are moving forward in providing a new opportunity for new people to worship...

Announcing the launch of AWS! (Alternate Worship Service)
This new worship opportunity will begin on Sunday, May 30th at 8:30am. This 30 minute worship is intended to draw those into worshiping with us who otherwise choose not to due to commitments later in the morning. It is crafted to be more of a contemplative style worship with communion offered every week. As we move forward with this new venture, we will continue to evaluate the needs of the community and their responses.

Stop by and check it out! Tell your friends and neighbors of this new opportunity for worship to give a great start to their Sunday plans!