Thursday, February 18, 2010

What's with all the candles??

As we prepare for Christmas, we light a new candle each Sunday; as we prepare for Good Friday, we extinguish candles each Sunday to remind us of the approaching darkness of betrayal and death.

We have begun our journey with Christ as He sets His face toward Jerusalem. This is a time of prayer and fasting . During the Lenten season, we think of those who turned away from the light of Jesus. It is through prayer and self reflection we remember that we, too, turn away in a variety of ways. By observing the forty days of Lent, the individual Christian imitates Jesus' withdrawal into the wilderness for forty days.

Keep on the journey with Christ and with each other! It is through experiencing this season that one encounters the True joy of Easter morning!

1 comment:

J said...

Nice commentary on the altar candles. Thank you for sharing with so many of us.

Jeff Z.