Friday, December 3, 2010

Thin Places

The Celts spoke of "thin places" - places where the distance between heaven and earth seemed to be shorter. Those became holy places. What if we sat down together across the church and prayed:

O God, merciful forever,
how great your holiness, love and power.
Help us to know how to worship you in Spirit and Truth.
Help us to stop thinking of worship as something that we manufacture;
something that we "do to" or "do for" others.
Help us to sit in you Presence,
to use all of the means of grace,
and then, like the scribes (Matthew 13:51-53) trained for the Kingdom,
bring out from your treasure house what is new and what is old;
what is contemporary and what is old as dirt
that we may delight at last in you and you only,
and so, be transformed from one stage of glory to another,
and all creation resound with you praise.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Extravagant Generosity

October is stewardship month. This year the theme is Extravagant Generosity.

We have heard how our financial giving impacts not just our church, but the church as a whole. Jessica, our conference treasurer explained the connectional ministry and how we participate in ministries that allows the light of Christ to shine all over the world! Scott, a lay member shared with us how God worked in his life to bring him to an attitude of celebration in his tithing! Rev. Myers has given a top 13 list of why we need to tithe, and challenged us to test God in these areas throughout next year.

Another guest will be speaking Oct 17. We will close this month with a celebration brunch. But before the free brunch on Oct. 31, you won't want to miss worship where we will celebrate and remember the saints in a special way this year!


Thursday, September 16, 2010

Totally radical!

This month we are on a series entitled Radical Hospitality from the book entitled, The 5 Practices of Fruitful Congregations by Robert Schnase.

This past Sunday we took a look at Luke 10:1-11, 17-20. Seventy followers were sent out on a mission with nothing to take with them. They were instructed only to offer peace as they entered a house. If the household accepts and shares in that peace, remain there. Eat and drink what is offered while curing the sick and sharing with them the Kingdom of God. If they do not welcome you, basically, walk away, still sharing that the Kingdom has come near.

Motel 6 is a very welcoming place. They offer basic conveniences at an affordable price. They will provide for you what you may need during your stay. They even advertise to keep the light on for you! They truly welcome your stay. They are radical in their hospitality. This hospitality can be abused at times. A guest may feel they need an extra towel or two at home. Or perhaps since there is coffee available, one may want to fill their thermos before hitting the road.

As we seek ways to be radically hospitable to anyone we meet, we must not be surprised by rejection and abuse. After all, wasn't Jesus rejected and abused? He laid down his life for all of us who were still yet sinners. That is radical hospitality if you ask me! It is this grace and forgiveness that Jesus offers that we need to share.

As Rev. Gordon Myers put it, hospitality is a virtue. "Radical hospitality is part of our life, not and extension of our life." It is a Christian virtue, "to give of ourselves and to love our neighbor". Yes, we may be rejected or even abused, but we must not make that an issue. We pray for and let God work in those situations. Love for neighbor is still very much in order!

May you be a radical blessing to someone this week.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

God has desires too

This past Sunday we looked at God's plans, desires, and purposes in our lives. What does each of those mean to us? This lesson was based on the prophet Jeremiah's experience as he watched the potter working at his wheel. (Jer. 18:1-11). The potter planned to make a pot, however, as he was working, it spoiled in his hand and he reworked it into another vessel. The word was given to Jeramiah, "Just like the clay in the potter's hand, so are you in my hand, O house of Israel..."

I found in this lesson, God can change his plans. He is the Almighty and can do as he sees fit, however, in conjunction with that, I believe he looks upon us with love and compassion. It is with this love and compassion that he has for His creation, His deepest desire is to have a relationship with us. This is why He sent His Son for us.

I confess, when I have a plan, I move forward and find my only desire it to accomplish the plan. I am grateful God is not so focused on His plan that He forgets the main purpose...a desired relationship. When I find I am willing to have the same desire as He does, it is then I feel His hands forming and shaping me to be more like Him.

God's purposes are being carried out through those willing to be formed, shaped and molded into His likeness. This process can be painful as the old is removed and new things are put in place, but the freedom in being transformed is indescribable!

For me I find it refreshing not to worry so much about "God's plan for my life" anymore. I find peace and freedom knowing God has the "constant ability to take my messes and breathe in His purpose" which satisfies His desire for a closer relationship.

Where are you? Does your plan, purpose or desire line up with God's?


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

What do you worship?

I recently read a blog post created by one of Rockport's own young adults...regarding worship.

This is what I choose to share this day:

Monday, August 23, 2010


On Sunday, August 22 we heard a message about obstacles in our lives. An obstacle is something put in one's way to inhibit an outcome. An obstacle is sin when it replaces God. We cannot overcome these obstacles! If that were so, that would mean we can overcome sin. If we put God first, obstacles will be removed. If we keep our eyes fixed on Jesus and stay the course, obstacles will not become an issue.

Enjoy this 1min video which may be a good parable to to this lesson and may you be blessed this week!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Moving Forward

The past few Sunday sermons have been challenging. On August 8 we looked at hope. As dreams are pursued, unexpected things happen and hope can feel lost. Dreams can seem as if they are fading away. We were encouraged to look to signs of God's movement in the community through Rockport's faithfulness in serving Christ. When we did, we saw how free ice cream brought people together. Nursing home residents are being ministered to. Stephen's Ministers offering communion. Ramps are being built to provide a way for others to attend their home church or to finally exit their home. New style of worship is meeting the spiritual needs of those in the community. A variety of trails are offered as well which are bringing people together in new ways.
It is all so exciting when we look at these things!

Aug. 15 we heard the popular hymn "Amazing Grace" in several different styles and tempo of music. We even heard it to a totally different tune! Some styles may have really spoke to you. Others, may have totally made you squirm in your seat so much you heard nothing but noise. The amazing grace here is God created each one of us and loves us all the same no matter what style speaks to us. If we are to be imitators of Christ and offer grace as He does, then we must acknowledge the different ways in which others receive the Gospel. It is our mission to make and mature disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. To do this is to recognize the language in which the lost need to hear the Gospel. The Gospel does not change, how we speak and present it must if we are to fulfill the mission we have been given.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Our newest worship service has been up and running since the end of May, and it has been received very well! It is named EMS. This is an acronym for Early Morning Service. Obviously, it is more well known for emergency medical service. It is with this in mind, our hope is all will find God's healing presence in these 30 minutes of guided reflection and contemplation. After all, the church is for the sick, the lost and the hurting. The service is carefully crafted by our Senior Pastor, Associate Pastor, and lay speakers as well. Each service may have a different style depending on who is leading and preparing it. All that is needed from any participant, as with any worship, is an offering of one's self to be present in the presence of God. This service was birthed through much prayer and discernment as we considered those in the community who may be looking for a place of Sunday worship at an earlier time.

We offer this service at 8:30am every Sunday morning. Communion is available each week to all who wish to receive. It is held in our indoor prayer chapel. Come, check it out and most importantly, invite someone to join you!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Anticipate or Participate?

I recently participated as a team member on a Walk To Emmaus weekend and wish to share some insight that was revealed to me through this experience. A saying one often hears before attending this 72 hour retreat is "Don't anticipate, just participate!" This truly is good advice for this experience, yet as the weekend went on, I found myself anticipating what God would reveal to me over the course of the weekend. I became anxious and impatient to hear an answer of clarification in a certain aspect of my life. It was soon revealed to me that I had become so focused on what my future held that I was not fully participating where I have been placed. I must give of my whole self to participate fully where I am.

"Don't anticipate, just participate" is not just a saying in the Emmaus Community. This is a day to day reminder to me that God is in charge every moment of my life, so why not participate in it with Him??!

I share this with you in light of worship. Let us come together in worship without expectations or anticipations. Let us participate in worship in the giving of ourselves with open hearts and minds. Yes! As we participate in such a way, God's blessings do flow! Praise be to God!

On May 30th, we begin a new opportunity for worship at 8:30 am! If 10:00am is difficult for you, a friend or neighbor to attend, please start your Sabbath day off at 8:30! Share the news!!


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Alternate Worship Service!

It is a fact there are many lost souls in and around our community and in the world. As we are called to make and mature disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world, we must find new and innovative ways to reach and meet their needs. At Rockport we are committed to this call and are moving forward in providing a new opportunity for new people to worship...

Announcing the launch of AWS! (Alternate Worship Service)
This new worship opportunity will begin on Sunday, May 30th at 8:30am. This 30 minute worship is intended to draw those into worshiping with us who otherwise choose not to due to commitments later in the morning. It is crafted to be more of a contemplative style worship with communion offered every week. As we move forward with this new venture, we will continue to evaluate the needs of the community and their responses.

Stop by and check it out! Tell your friends and neighbors of this new opportunity for worship to give a great start to their Sunday plans!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Creation Speaks

When I went to pick up the flower order to adorn the altar for Easter morning service, I was quite concerned. Most of the flowers were closed up tight. Everything was green. I had to trust they were the colors ordered. It was difficult to arrange them not knowing exactly how they would really look. We did the best we could. When I returned for the 7am Easter service, they were open a bit more, but not much. I returned to prepare for 10:45 service, and they were opened even more. As service time approaced, I was amazed to see most of them were open. By the time service was over, they were fully open praising God right along with us all!

God's creation shows us how to worship. Have you ever noticed the way tulips and daffodils turn and face the sun? They are closed up tight through the night, and open up wide to express praise to their Creator as the new day dawns. Then they are always bending toward the sun as the day goes on. They follow the light and soak it in. Rain is welcomed for they know it is what they need to grow. They are not afraid to show their beauty. They know Who their Creator is. He never makes mistakes.

I am amazed how nature speaks so loud the love God has for us. We heard on Palm Sunday how even the rocks would cry out if people were silenced. I believe when we take time to silence ourselves, we can hear all of creation praising and worshiping God!

As I worked in the yard this beautiful spring day, I couldn't help noticing all the new life bursting forth from the soil. I pondered how just 30 days or so ago, there was snow covering everything in sight. Yet, under the blanket of snow, deep in the earth, transformation was taking place. New life was emerging...preparing to burst forth and give praise!

It is my prayer that worship is a part of your everyday life. Notice creation and do likewise.

Be blessed.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Holy Week

We recently heard of the Palm Sunday parade welcoming Jesus as he rode in to Jerusalem on the young donkey. We heard many voices in this parade. Even if voices were silenced, the stones would cry out! We are to be a voice in unexpected places...those silent places. We are challenged to consider if we are a stone being asked to speak?

God's purpose will be fulfilled...nothing will stop it! God will be heard loud and clear! We have reached the darkest part of this road with Jesus. Do we abandon Him out of fear? Do we betray Him out of greed? Do we fall asleep when He asks us to stay awake and pray? Do we wash our hands of responsibility in order to keep things peaceful?

Consider walking with Jesus and each other in this dark hour...
Holy Week services begin after a 6:00pm meager meal of soup and bread, Thursday, April 1 (service at 7pm)
Good Friday, April 2 at 7pm we will gather for a brief service reflecting on the emotions of those who witnessed Christ's crucifixion.

Sunrise Easter Sunday service at 7am will be held in our outdoor chapel and lead by the youth in the community.
Easter Celebration service begins at 10:45am in the sanctuary.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Its Getting Darker

The clocks have been moved ahead which now makes getting up in the morning a bit more difficult...the sun no longer shines in my bedroom window when I need it too. The darkness of the hour I need to rise is all consuming.

As we are on this journey called Lent, I was thinking last week, how it is about half-way over. We are on the upswing to the end of this difficult road...Easter is getting closer! I was looking at this Lenten journey with post resurrection eyes filled with hope that Easter is coming. Then I recalled how the darkest hour has not even come yet. I pondered the walk the disciples had taken with Jesus in his suffering. I ponder Mary, the mother of Jesus as she witnessed so much betrayal and the cruel death of her son.

No, my friends, just because Lent is half over, does not mean the road gets easier and brighter as we approach Easter. On the contrary, the road is getting darker and more difficult as we approach Good Friday, the darkest hour of all...

Thursday, February 18, 2010

What's with all the candles??

As we prepare for Christmas, we light a new candle each Sunday; as we prepare for Good Friday, we extinguish candles each Sunday to remind us of the approaching darkness of betrayal and death.

We have begun our journey with Christ as He sets His face toward Jerusalem. This is a time of prayer and fasting . During the Lenten season, we think of those who turned away from the light of Jesus. It is through prayer and self reflection we remember that we, too, turn away in a variety of ways. By observing the forty days of Lent, the individual Christian imitates Jesus' withdrawal into the wilderness for forty days.

Keep on the journey with Christ and with each other! It is through experiencing this season that one encounters the True joy of Easter morning!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Ash Wednesday

February 17th, 2010 starts the season of Lent with what is called Ash Wednesday.

"Ash Wednesday emphasizes a dual encounter: we confront our own mortality and confess our sin before God within the community of faith. The form and content of the service focus on the dual themes of sin and death in the light of God's redeeming love in Jesus Christ."
"The use of ashes as a sign of mortality and repentance has a long history in Jewish and Christian worship, and the Imposition of Ashes can be a powerful nonverbal and experiential way of participating in the call to repentance and reconciliation." -UM Book of Worship

Rockport UMC will be offering the Imposition of Ashes at a 7pm service which immediately follows our first Meager Meal which consists of soup, bread and butter at 6pm. Prayerfully consider starting your Lenten journey with us.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Sunday, Feb. 14 we will be looking at the scripture that describes the transfiguration of Jesus in the presence of Peter, John and James. This story will be found in Luke 9:28-36 (37-48)

Please note Lent begins with Ash Wednesday service on Feb. 17th. Please join us at 7:00pm in the sanctuary as we begin our 40 day journey with Christ to Jerusalem with the imposition of ashes.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Goin' Deeper

Wow! Are you enjoying the ride? I must say, the content of the messages (according to lectionary) have been linked together so wonderfully. Lets recap a bit:

Recently we have heard how baptism forms our identity in Christ. Then, as we receive the Holy Spirit, we also receive spiritual gifts in which we are to use wisely with passion. Following that, we hear how Jesus spoke of prophecy being fulfilled TODAY and how we are to be making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world TODAY! This past Sunday we recounted the story of expectation those in Jesus' hometown had of him. Then we were challenged to be who God would have us be, and how that may not fall into expectations others have of us.

Coming up, Feb. 7th, Tina Berardi, Certified Lay Speaker will give a message on Luke 5:1-11. It is in this scripture after an amazing catch of fish in the deep waters, Jesus calls Peter to follow him and be fishers of men! There is a process that Jesus takes Peter through in this text that helps him embark on a journey in finding who God would have him be, a fisher of men. We are "Goin' Deeper!"

Join us as we rejoice in God's unconditional love and sacrifice of His Son through Holy Communion.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Who are you?

Excellent message in worship this past Sunday given by Pastor Myers. Based on the text Luke 4:14-21, Jesus returned to his hometown, read from the prophet Isaiah and stated the prophecy is fulfilled in their hearing of the words. He has come to preach the good news to the poor. He is sent to pardon the prisoners and restore sight to the blind and set the burdened and battered free and announce, 'This is God's year to act!' (The Message)

Now is the time to be the church. TODAY is when we need to be doing the work Jesus did, and calls us to do. Be the messengers TODAY!

Of course, there are obstacles along our way...

We will hear the crowds reaction to Jesus' statement coming up this Sunday, January 31, in Luke 4:21-30. This encounter with citizens of his hometown remind us of the price we sometimes have to pay for living a life of faithfulness to God. They knew Jesus as Joseph's son. A son of a carpenter. A youngster who played with our kids. This is who He was in the eyes of the hearers. The idea of him being the fulfillment of Isaiah's prophecy was ludicrous! Does he live up to their expectations of who they say he is or risk disappointing them to the point of anger in order to be faithful to who God says he is?

Who are you?

Stay tuned...

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Gifts of the Spirit

Last week we took a look at Jesus' baptism and the encouraging words that were given Jesus by His Father. We were encouraged to remember our own baptism, our own identity with Christ as son's and daughters of God. We heard the words, "Come touch the water. Go touch the world" as we left the sanctuary.

It is the Holy Spirit that lives within each one of us (through our baptism) guiding us each in a different way to "touch" the world. We are each created uniquely by God to first love Him. Out of that love, He graces us with spiritual gifts that when used according to His purpose can transform the world.

This Sunday's scripture comes from I Corinthians 12:1-11. This text explains how through the Holy Spirit we are each given spiritual gifts. Though we may have different gifts, they all come from the same Holy Spirit.

Come and hear the Good News and be blessed by God's word. Scott Welsh, Local Lay Speaker, will be delivering the message.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Words of Baptism

Sunday, Jan. 10th, we will be taking a look at Luke 3:15-17, 21-22. This scripture documents Jesus' baptism. It was written by Luke, a companion of Paul the apostle. Luke describes the Holy Spirit descending in bodily form as a dove, and voice from heaven is heard. It is this voice of encouragement that still speaks to us today, that we can share with each other.

Come join us this Sunday as we remember our baptism, claim our identity as children of God, and be empowered with the Holy Spirit to be sent out to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world!

Can't wait to see you there!
